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Pengalaman UKCG 2017
Monday, April 10, 2017 4:36 AM 1 Comment(s)

Assalamualaikum and Hello gais 
Today im going to share to allofu bout my first experience ever during ukcg (ujian kelayakan calon guru) , so literally ukcg is divided into 2 test . And by the way , ensure that korang sudah isi surat kehadiran calon & surat akuan calon tu awal2 dari rumah so nanti dekat ipg dah tak sibuk nak isi semua tu okay :)
  1. Ujian bertulis (answer 195 soalan in 45 minutes)
  2. Ujian Kecergasan Fizikal (consists of 5 stage)


Actually uolls don't need to be worry cause this test is same like kertas yang kita selalu dpt dari kaunseling tu yang soalan untuk kerjaya . You will be given kertas soalan dan kertas OMR . First,  section A consist of 135 questions which u need to answer it in 30 minutes . Example of answer selection like wajar or tidak wajar . Section B pula consists of 60 questions and answer in 15 minutes . Example of answer seletion , tidak benar sama sekali , tidak benar , benar & sangat benar . So , total semua 195 questions in 45 minutes.When uolls answering this test , please consider urself & think like a real teacher .


I'm going to write it as simple as I can . So , it consists of 5 stage

  • Ujian BMI (15 marks)  - make sure your bmi value is between the normal average so you can get higher marks.
  • Ujian tekan tubi tanpa henti (15 marks) - this section korang kena tekan tubi tanpa henti , org yang bertugas itu akan terus kira tekan tubi anda selagi korang tidak terjatuh atau terbaring atas mat . And if im not mistaken to get full marks , perempuan kena tekan tubi 30 kali and 40 untuk lelaki.
  • Ujian jangkauan melunjur (15 marks) - biasalah korang mesti pernah buat benda ni time sekolah menengah utk ujian segak , uoll just need to stretch your arms as far as u can .
  • Ujian Sit Up with 5 different style (15 marks) - bangkit tubi @ sit up ni ada 5 style , 1. luruskan tangan and up untill your hand touch your knee , 2. bengkokkan tangan anda and up until your elbow touch your knee , 3. put your both arm over your stomach (macam keadaan semasa qiam solat) , 4. silangkan & place your both arm over your head , 5. silangkan & place both of ur arms behind your head . (p.s = nobody will help you to hold your feet)
  • Ujian Bleep test (40marks) - bleep test is about running according to level . satu kali lari track 20 metres . each level = 10 kali ulangalik so 20 metres x 10 . To get full marks , perempuan usually 3 level and untuk lelaki 6 level . The higher the level you achieved , the higher marks will you gain . can watch video on youtube for further information :)
goodluck.....any inquiries can ask at comment (below title) 😚😚😚😚

Finding blog?
Saturday, April 1, 2017 12:57 AM 0 Comment(s)

welcome to me ? hahahaahahahahaha 
i just found my blog(this) after 3 years ~~ i was just too busy with my school and study

Park Chanyeol
Saturday, August 24, 2013 8:23 PM 0 Comment(s)

"No matter how hard it is , I always smile like an idiot" - Park Chanyeol

in ❤ with them ♡ Bulletproof Boy Scouts ♡ BTS ♡ BangTan Boys ♡
Saturday, June 22, 2013 11:13 AM 0 Comment(s)


Friday, May 24, 2013 7:26 PM 0 Comment(s)

Assalamualaikum , Hai and Annyeong chingudeull ^^
Today saya nakkk cerita pasal my reaction time dapat tahu yg EXO ada COMEBACK *0*
      time dapat tahu EXO ada comeback masa 14 May kalau tak silap saya laa . Bila dapat tahu jee , aku dekat dalam bilik mcm org gila dahh . boleh buat aku *mental breakdown*. Lepas SM dah buat teaser image for their comeback XOXO . LoL i'm very excited . Habis lappy aku semua teaser dorang aku save image and at the same time , I think it is long time I tak layan my twitter . so aku try laa buka-2 aku punya twitter . aku change semua nya kat twitter tuu . saya tukar header , picture , bio and tweets-2 about exo comeback sampai kena twitlimit dahh =.= . 
       I just wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait and wait ( penat aku balik-2 tekan "wait" sudah laa keypad huruf  "T" aku takk ada -.- ) until 23 MAY ! ! you know the date ?? time date tu wolf mv teaser will be released dahh . ada hal laa pulak . habis aku punya twitter asyik-2 tweet " I hope the mv teaser will be released before i go to school ~~~~"-.- sebab lepas balik dari sekolah tuu aku tak boleh on twitter cuz aku busy so takk dapat laa tngok mv teaser tuu . Hari ini baru aku dapat tengok teaser tu . btw lepas tengok je mv teaser tu . FUYOOOHH ! dorang tu nak jadi wolf kha atau kittens ?? haha =.= . Baby Lulu punya eyes so sexy laa ~. oke-2 aku dah melebih  .
bha . sampai sini sejja laa aku punya cerita . nanti ada cerita lagi , baru saya update . oke laa . 

Assalamualaikum , Bye and Annyeong !!
Made by : umi surayah / jung rae ra ( 정 레이 라 )

Bersabar ! Muhasabah diri :)
Monday, February 20, 2012 10:55 PM 0 Comment(s)

Salam, annyeonghaseyo :P ..umi imnida :) hakhak..ok !
Sekarang aq mo crita psal bersabar..kakak ku selalu tegur2 aku, bersabar dengan itu lah, dengan ini lah..dan itu sangat memimpin aku untuk menjadi seorang penyabar,,mudah2an =) Sebenarnya sabar adalah benteng kepada semua perbuatan katakan! =) Kadangkala kita kena musibah, so elemen yg penting di sini adalah SABAR ! SABAR, SABAR, n SABAR . Ok, dan aku kongsi satu kata2 indah yang kakak ku suka "Kadangkala Allah hilangkan matahari, kemudian Dia keluarkan guruh dan kilat, kita menangis dan mencari di mana matahari ?? Rupanya Allah hendak menghadiahkan kita pelangi"....haaa, best kan?Pengajaran di sini, walaubagaimanapun kita di timpah kesusahan, di sebalik semua itu pasti akan ada hikma, renung2 kan lah ok..kita kongsi ilmu, *Sharing is caring :)